Luis – Knowledge/Popularity
Victor – Family/Grilled Cheese
Elizabeth – Fortune/Romance
Pauline – Grow Up

This is who’s who in the Aspir family, plus the description that came with them.

Luis wants to be a City Planner, but he is already a retired City Planner. I used the MATY batbox to make him Platinum since he achieved his LTW already – seemed only fair to me.

Elizabeth and Victor both want to be head of SCIA.

It will be interesting to see who makes it first. ;)

Elizabeth and Victor took turns checking for their dream job every day.

Luis has Popularity as a secondary aspiration, so he rolled up a lot of wants to make friends at first.

Victor wants to learn to cook, and cuisine is his one true hobby. Since he’s a family sim, he knows how to make comfort soup, which turned out great on his first try.

Luis taught Pauline a nursery rhyme. He really enjoyed teaching her.

Elizabeth ambitiously kept wanting to skill for a promotion. She's currently working in business as a Junior Executive.

Victor got this offer to work as a D.J. from his new friend, and I let him take it at least temporarily until his dream job comes along. He was a nurse before he switched jobs.

Luis earned enough aspiration points and was platinum, so he was able to get smart milk for Pauline. Thanks, Luis!

Victor wanted a bird cage, so I let him have one. He didn't roll a want for a bird, but rolled wants to play with a bird (What bird?!) Hey, I love birds IRL, but I hate all the constant bird deaths in Sims 2. So, I stuck the cage in his backpack. Crisis averted. ;)

Luis wanted to potty train Pauline, and she really wanted to learn, so it went really fast.

Pauline is just adorable, and stays busy with her coloring quite a bit.

Is it just me, or does it look like Victor just had his wisdom teeth out?

I wonder if Elizabeth is getting tired of grilled cheese yet? Whenever Victor had grilled cheese wants, I tried to have him fulfill them.

Victor decided he wanted to try a cooking contest, so he went down to Copur Kitchen Cook-Off. The contest judge had some scary-looking eyes and kept some questionable company.

She doesn’t look too impressed with this cereal entry, but fortunately, it was not Victor’s. Victor had entered some of his delicious soup.

He was a little worried when a contestant’s cereal entry seemed to impress the judge. All the contestants besides Victor entered various custom cereals, LOL.

Victor was victorious and won first place! I was going to be upset if cereal won. ;)

Back at home, Luis was at it again, this time he was teaching Pauline to walk.

Pauline and Luis made a great want-fulfilling team. They were always having fun together. Luis thought his granddaughter was a genius, and Pauline thought her grandpa must know everything.

Even though he wanted a party, I think Luis is a little sad about this one.

Little Pauline was growing up too fast.

I noticed that Elizabeth and Victor disappeared during the birthday party, completely ignoring the pile of garbage by the back door. Maybe they’re going to try for that baby Victor wants.

Despite the absence Elizabeth and Victor, Pauline’s birthday party was a success.

Luis scolded Elizabeth for breaking her own computer. It’s also funny because Luis doesn’t even like computers. He’s afraid to even email anyone.

Luis always wanted to study anger management. Maybe it will keep him from scolding people.

Elizabeth wanted some logic for a promotion, so she spied on the neighbors. I don’t know quite how that gives you more logic, but it was good timing on her part, since she was able to leave before the mystery person noticed. I was a little disappointed that no one came running over. ;) I was surprised to see her in braids when she put on her coat. She looks cute that way, but it doesn’t seem to fit her personality.

Autumn brought a lot of leaves. Victor did not have a want to rake them. I’ll have to hire a gardener even if he didn’t wish for it. Otherwise, he’ll spend the entire season raking.

Elizabeth took her boss to dinner instead of searching for Robotic Ants for his kids.

And it looks like she made the right decision, because Robotic Ants are generally impossible to find.

Taking her boss to dinner got her a promotion to Executive.

Haha, this is one ugly maid. She would be great in my UGG Legacy, but alas, it was not meant to be.

They also have a gardener now, which gives them more time to pursue happiness.

More time to play a pirate in the bathtub.

Pauline looks thrilled that she gets to wait for the headmaster. She doesn’t have a desire to get into private school, but her mother Elizabeth wants her to, so I figure she should make her mother happy.

It looks like she started at the beginning of her life’s story that she can remember, starting with how her Grandpa Luis potty trained her. Headmaster Thomas Leong is not looking that impressed, but she did get 7 schmooze points for her efforts.

I thought it was so cool to see Luis in the kitchen autonomously cooking pork chops for dinner. It was as if he also really wanted Pauline to get into private school. He burnt them, of course, but I let him try again and they turned out fine the second time.

It looks like Pauline continued to be less than thrilled on the tour, but the headmaster was overjoyed by beauty of the Aspir house. He gave them 50 points for the tour.

Luis’ second batch of pork chops were delicious, and I guess his conversation at dinner was good too. The final score was pretty good, and definitely good enough to get Pauline into private school.

Pauline wanted to learn how to study and so her grandpa seemed like the perfect person to ask for help.

Luis doesn’t have to be very afraid of fires anymore. He wanted to learn just what to do in case they ever had one.

Victor hasn’t learned dancing yet.

Since Victor and Elizabeth hadn’t been able to have another baby yet, I decided to let them adopt a baby. The social worker got the baby out of the seat. Literally.

This is the care and concern I’ve come to expect of the social workers. She just left him on the sidewalk across the street and drove off.

Meet Trevor. Adopting a baby didn’t fulfill Victor’s desire to have a baby. That seems about right. Now they’re stuck with Trevor for life. Sorry, Trevor. It’s not personal. He is a cutie, though.

It looks like this was another of Luis’ parties. Sophia Jocque looks like she’s really into fitness, and is concerned that too many grilled cheese sandwiches are going to turn them all into sumo wrestlers.

It seems like Victor’s baby want might finally get fulfilled. :)

Luis decided to study parenting just in case.

They’re going on a little date - without leaving the driveway.

Now that Pauline is a big girl, she enjoys jumping on her bed in her new upstairs bedroom.

She is also becoming really good friends with Sophie Dallas, and would like to be her best friend.

Elizabeth wanted money, so she got a chance to make a wish on the lamp in the attic.

Luis is really handy for fixing things around the house.

He just hates it when people break things. I guess anger management didn’t help him be more patient, because he scolded Pauline for breaking the dishwasher. He probably knows I’m about to make him fix it. ;)

Okay, this was so funny. Luis is a smart man who has a lot of skills. He can figure out how to fix anything. I’ve never seen this before, but apparently Luis doesn’t know how to change a diaper. He tried 3 or 4 times, and just kept adding more and more powder. I assume that his wife must have done all the diaper changing when Victor was a baby, because Luis just can’t figure out diapers.

Finally, he set Trevor on the floor. As you can see, Trevor is still quite smelly. Victor had no trouble changing him, so I know that it was just Luis with the problem.

It looks like Victor will finally get the baby he’s been wanting.

Whenever Luis wanted to work on this old car, I let him. But I only sent him to work on it when he wanted to. He was able to get the engine finished. Maybe he’ll want to paint it in the next round.

Elizabeth has been learning to sew. This is the curtain she made, LOL. I love it, and put it in Pauline’s room.

You know that saying, “Be careful what you wish for or you just might get it?” Well, Luis made a wish to resurrect his wife Noriko.

I guess the phrase in this case should be “Be careful what you want or you just might get it.” He wanted to see a ghost. Resurrecting his wife was never his want, but it was a way to fulfill his ghost want.

And he’s not happy that his wife died again. I feel sort of bad for him, but he did want to see a ghost, and this was how I was able to his wife’s tombstone on the lot so there could be a ghost to see.

Pauline picked a rather dangerous-looking place to play Mary Mack, but she’s really close to being best friends with Sophie.

And finally, they are best friends.

Trevor became a cute toddler. So far no one has a want to teach him anything, but I guess as long as he wants to learn, he should be fine.

I gave Pauline a new hairstyle. She’s a very cute kid.

And these are the houses as I leave the Aspir family for this round. The lot is available here and here.
It was a fun family to play. I helped them fulfill many of their wants. Victor was the most difficult to please. He had one slot tied up with his baby want locked in the entire time. Sometimes he had grilled cheese wants from his secondary aspiration, which were easy. Other times he had best friend wants that took a long time. Whenever Elizabeth had a date want, that was good because it helped both of them fulfill wants, plus work on that baby want for Victor. Luis was the easiest to please, which didn't matter as much since he's already platinum. He had a few friend wants and party wants, but he mostly wanted to learn, and teach things to Pauline.
(cross-posted to my LJ)
Lots going on this round! Shame the adoption didn't fulfil the want but Trevor is a cutie! I wonder who will get TOC first, can't wait to see Victor and Elizabeth as super spies, :)
ReplyDeleteLuis is nice, shame about his wife but good way to see the ghost. Your house makeover is great.
Thank you. :) I came to really enjoy this family. I think it will be interesting to see where there wants will take them in the future.
DeleteI haven't played Desiderata Valley since FT first came out and that game is long lost to a pc death. Reading this, made me smile as I remembered just how much I loved Luis Aspir. I think I had a little crush on him, actually ♥